7.2 Best Practices
7.2.1 Describe two best practices successfully implemented by the Institution as per NAAC format provided in the Manual
- 7.2.1(1) Summary of Best Practices
- 7.2.1 (2) CARNIVAL
- 7.2.1 (3) SAMANVAY
- 7.2.1 (4) SARVAGNYA
- 7.2.1 (5) knowledge sharing - 2023-2024
- 7.2.1 (6) knowledge sharing 2019-2020
- 7.2.1 (8) knowledge sharing 2021-2022
- 7.2.1 (9) knowledge sharing 2022-2023
- 7.2.1 (9) community services 2021-22
- 7.2.1 (10) community services 2022-23
- 7.2.1 (11) community services 2023-24
- 7.2.1 (12) Beyond the campus
- 7.2.1 (13) Blossomy
- 7.2.1 (14) Clean and Green Campus Initiatives
- 7.2.1 (15) Dhasharupak
- 7.2.1 (16) CERTIFICATION COURSES 2018-19
- 7.2.1 (17) CERTIFICATION COURSES 2019-20
- 7.2.1 (18) CERTIFICATION COURSES 2020-21
- 7.2.1 (19) CERTIFICATION COURSES 2021-22
- 7.2.1 (20) CERTIFICATION COURSES 2022-23