(AICTE Approved)

B.Sc Data Science

(Mathematics, Satistics, Data Science)

Data Science

In the information age, which we all are part of, data is the source of power. Google, Amazon, and the likes are able to control the governments and states because of the data that they possess. However, this data is useless unless we can draw meaningful insights and use it for business and predictive analytics. Data Science which is an interdisciplinary field that uses multiple scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems in order to extract valuable information, knowledge, etc, has become the pathway to employment and research opportunities across the World. Osmania University offers 3 Year Degree Course in Data Science.

  • Candidates should have passed CBSE/ICSE/10+2/Intermediate or equivalent Examination with MEC/MPCwith 60% and above in the optional subjects.
  • PSO1 Knowledge: Acquire the knowledge with facts and figures related to Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics and understand the basic concepts, fundamental principles and scientific theories related to various scientific phenomena and their relevance in day to-day life.
  • PSO2 Skills: Acquire the skills in handling scientific instruments & skills of observation and drawing logical inference from scientific experiments. PO3 Modern Tool Usage: Apply appropriate techniques, skills, modern tools and IT tools to practice.
  • PSO4 Creativity & Analysis: Think creatively to propose novel ideas in explaining the evidence of data and provide new solutions to the problems and analyse the given scientific data systematically and have the ability to draw conclusion.

    Admission Procedure