by Cstplglobal | Feb 27, 2023
Facilities for games like Cricket, Volleyball, and Athletics are available for the relaxation of the mind. Arrangements are also being made for creating the requisite facilities for indoor games like Chess, Carroms, Table Tennis etc.
by Cstplglobal | Feb 27, 2023
Every member who is associated with the Siva Sivani Institutions becomes a member of the Siva Sivani family for life, irrespective of the physical presence on the campus. A platform for the former and the present students to come together, share their experiences and...
by Cstplglobal | Feb 27, 2023
Having partaken the bliss of friendship, riding through the ups and downs together, the 1st and the 2nd year students get together to give a fond and warm adieu to the final year students. Resplendent with warm thoughts and good feeling and hearts and minds full of...
by Cstplglobal | Feb 27, 2023
The inter-collegiate meet of the undergraduate students organized by the students of SSDC. Sannihita is the flagship event or SSDC full of learning, bonding and fun. This event creates a platform for further bonding amongst the students of SSDC and between students of...
by Cstplglobal | Feb 27, 2023
A get together where the sense of togetherness and belongingness to one family firmly takes roots in the heart of every new entrant into the Siva Sivani family and celebrated with a festive gaiety is aptly named ‘Sadbhavana’. Truly living the meaning of the word — a...